Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Preserving the Last Bit of Color

It happens every year as the summer starts to wind down and the last flowers in the yard begin to bloom. It would be a shame to have these flowers bloom and die too quickly because they are the last of the color for the year. There are some things that can be done, however, to prolong the life of these flowers’ bloom. Depending on your climate, it might help to water the plants regularly. As the hot summer months linger on, lack of rain can cause some flowers to wilt and die. Mulching around the flowers will also help retain some water. Weeding flower gardens will keep undesirable plants from choking out the flowers. Using fertilizer for healthy flowers will also help keep those colors going longer.

Another way to help flowers grow well is to create some sort of structured bed around them. This could be a raised bed, using cap rock or wood planks to elevate it, or simply a bed that is separated from the rest of the landscape by cap rock or other retaining wall. By using cap rock, you not only put a physical barrier around the base of the flowers to help protect them, but the cap rock is aesthetically pleasing to most landscapes. Cap rock can be used in a number of landscaping projects and is easy to coordinate with other types of materials.

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