Monday, August 10, 2009

A Patio; the Symbol of an American Backyard

The patio is such a common feature to many homes that many of us take it for granted. We eat on it, we play on it, and we keep our lawn furniture on it. Those that live in warm climates may use their patio every day. Those that have to endure cold winters with snow will often spend their whole summer out on the patio, when the weather permits.

Patios can vary so much in size and design that they really speak volumes about their individual creator. A patio can be made of travertine pavers, bricks, coral rocks, or a variety of other materials. It can be full of furniture, or full of plants, or hardly filled at all.

A new trend is for patios to incorporate a fireplace. Sometimes it will be a moveable fire pit, other times people build the fireplace right into the patio out of coral rocks or cap rock. Tiki torches and lanterns are commonplace on patios, as are solar lights.  

Whatever the style, a patio can really improve a landscape. It is a common part of many yards, and the place where homeowners like to gather and relax.

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