Monday, May 25, 2009

Tropical Landscaping

It sure seems like folks in tropical climates like to landscape. Maybe it’s the beautiful weather of these tropical places, or maybe it’s the pride that homeowners in these areas have for their vast array of foliage, but it almost seems effortless to maintain a landscape in the tropics. It is fun to plant big, tropical plants that burst with beautiful flowers, and lawns can look so green and beautiful in this kind of climate.  

Some features that many tropical landscapes incorporate may be palm trees, lots of greenery, and big, bright flowers. But other things really help give that tropical feel, such as a big coral rocks waterfall, or a cap rock fountain. Fish can be used in ponds, as well as water plants. Hardscaping around these structures is important, and a professional look can be created by using pebbles or travertine pavers to finish off the area. Water features like these add both sound and smell to the sight of the landscape, and give a definite tropic feel.

Potted plants can also add a tropical feel to a backyard or patio. By using native plants that are lush and green, all areas of the yard can be brought to life. A bamboo fence can also add a great deal of aesthetics to the area.

With a little research and planning, it is possible to create a beautiful landscape that celebrates the tropics.

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